Private Hiring Event
Multi-Company Hiring Event

Sales Jobs Connect is a recruiting company that specializes in offering exceptional and reliable sales and technology staffing solutions. As an expert in the field, we have held thousands of single and multiple company recruiting events for sales professionals.
Our customized Single Company Recruiting Event makes the hiring process fast and seamless, without sacrificing candidate quality. Our Single Company Recruiting Events are a hybrid of two services:
❖ A multi-company career fair
❖ Headhunting for hard to fill sales positions
At Sales Jobs Connect, our Account Managers and Screening team work hand-in-hand to set up an entire interview day full of PREQUALIFIED and interested sales candidates specific to your needs.
Benefits For You:
➢ You choose the date that fits your schedule.
➢ Sales Jobs Connect will set up an initial conference call with our team and your staffs to ensure that the project goals are understood by all. Marketing, advertising, and screening will be completed by Sales Jobs Connect based on the direction and feedback provided by you.
➢ If you do not have a local office location, Sales Jobs Connect will secure a hotel with meeting space for the interview day.
➢ All sourcing and screening will be handled by Sales Jobs Connect. Very little interview time will be needed during the screening/interview process allowing your sales managers and/or recruiters to focus on other things.
➢ Using our expertise, Sales Jobs Connect will identify candidates that fit your hard requirements, and also candidates that may get passed over in the resume screening process because you don’t have time to phone screen “maybe” candidates.
➢ Candidates will fully understand the position, have an interest in the position, and be qualified for the position when you interview them.
➢ Hire one or all the candidates you interview for the same flat fee. You can even send us candidates from your database to screen for this position at no additional cost.
What makes our hiring events different?
- We specialize in sales specific recruiting services
- Make multiple hires for one flat fee
- Private/Professional interviews
- Companies limited by industry to maximize your success
- Attended by candidates interested in your position
- Private Event Marketing for your open role (s)
- Skip reviewing online resumes and interview sales professionals Face-to-Face
Event Location:
Sales Jobs Connect hiring events are held in Embassy Suite hotels in most markets. Registration is located on the main floor and interviews are held on another floor in the outer room of the two room suites.
You’ve probably attended a typical “job Fair” where candidates walk in the door and are left on their own to decide which of the booths they want to visit. Our events are led by a trained Event Facilitator, who leads a small group and provides individual orientation sessions. Our event facilitator will present information to candidates regarding your opportunity,culture, and requirements to generate interest in meeting with you at the event.s